Thursday, November 1, 2007

California Fruit Inspired Ceramic Mural

The students at Brandon School created a wonderful legacy in the "produce-inspired" ceramic mural. First, the student's drew their chosen California produce onto a 5"x5" piece of paper, then turned the one-dimensional drawing into a 3-dimensional tile by pulling, attaching, molding and texturing. Most kids really got into this tactile art project and created beautiful, realistic avocados, husks of corn, bunches of grapes, sweet cherries, artichokes, Meyer lemons and naval oranges!
The tiles were laid out to dry for about two weeks then it was off to the kiln. After the first firing the students painted their tiles and dipped them in a purple glaze. The results were fantastic and the students were pleased.
The mural is mounted just outside Mrs. Meyer's office on the inside wall of the bowl. Great job kids!

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Well, what do you think? I love hearing how you adapted the art projects. Did it work? Any pitfalls? Or, if you'd like, just share your thoughts.