Sunday, June 14, 2009

Deep Space Sparkle's first ever Summer Contest!

Will you look at all my fellow Sparklers in the side bar? I can't believe what a fantastic group of parents, home-schoolers and art teachers we have in the blog world. I started Deep Space Sparkle two years ago with the intention of showing parents what their kids were up to in the art room. Since then, it has morphed into lesson plans for all of you guys.
What a great ride it has been and now I'm ready to thank YOU for all your support, links, shout-outs and comments.

What you have to do:
If you are a current follower (if not, you have until Sunday, June 21st to become one!), leave a comment in this post telling me what your favorite Deep Space Sparkle art lesson has been. Briefly describe what you like, tried, or changed about the lesson. Be sure to include an email address!

Contest will close Monday, June 22nd and winners will be announced on
Tuesday, June 23rd.

The Prizes:

Your choice of one Deep Space Sparkle PDF Lesson Plan!
Three winners will be able to choose one booklet from the following PDF lesson plans:
"Eric Carle" Inspired Seahorses
Fun with Portraits
Watercolor Projects

All valid names/comments will go into a jar and will be selected randomly. Winners will be announced on this blog Tuesday, June 23rd and will be contacted again through email, so be sure to include one.

Thanks again for ALL your support, encouragement and comments!


  1. Definitely the Eric Carle inspired art lessons have to be among my favorites! I also enjoyed the rocket & space collage. I'm planning on doing that one with my boys soon.

  2. My favorite is Giraffes Can't Dance - I taught my second graders how to draw a giraffe (dancing, no less!) then we painted a beautiful moonlit sky and vibrant green grass. I collaborated with our music teacher to introduce some of the types of music mentioned in the story, and our Integrated Arts teacher taught them some of the dances!

    Thanks for the ideas - and keep up the great work!

  3. I enjoyed doing the Kinder cows with my four and two year old. Next up: pigs!

  4. Firstly - I am addicted to your blog. I get so much inspiration from it. I teach art to Grade 1-7 in South Africa. I did the Not so scary Scarecrows and they were a huge hit - altho some looked pretty scary!! We painted the background with tempera and for his clothes I cut up lots of little blocks of fabric which the Grade 1's collaged onto him. We also used tongue depressors for the arms and legs and they looked stunning. Was so sad to take them down - so was the whole shool! Everybody raved - thank you soooo much for all your wonderful inspiration. Jenny in SA

  5. Just received this lovely note from Marie in Panama. I'm personally entering her into my contest...
    Thanks Marie!

    Dear Patty,
    I am a subscriber to your RSS Feeds. I LOVE your posts!! Thank you for your help in providing creative and fun things to do with my kids! I am a mother/architect in Panama… Your blog has inspired me to have a once a week art class with my two children, Pablo (6) and Laura(2). We have cleared a new area in our office, which will be dedicated to our art class. We have even invited a few other kids to join us too!
    Thank you for all you do, for all your dedication and hard work, and for your never-ending creativity!
    Blog on! We love Deep Space Sparkle!

  6. Dear Patty,
    You have created an amazing web site. Thank you for all your creative ways of showing us ideas and how to actually teach them. I tried the how to draw pigs. I change it to "peek a boo pigs." The kids used too mush pink paint on the pig, so we gently blotted the pink blob and "peek a boo! A pig." They loved it. The pigs turned out soo cute with their sweet faces.

  7. I love your site and often recommend it to friends. My seven-year-old and two-year-old enjoyed making the Fancy Glitter Fish and the Torn-Paper Owls, but our favorite was the Eric Carle-inspired butterflies. The Eric Carle-inspired Farm is on my list of upcoming projects.

    Thanks for your wonderful ideas!

  8. I have two favorites - the Eric Carle owls and the parrot paintings. I did the owls with my daughter's 1st grade class (I am a former teacher , now a stay-at-home mom and art docent). The kids loved creating the papers. The only change was to provide brightly colored buttons for the eyes. So cute!

    I did the parrots with my fourth graders. They were thrilled with their drawings. I used a directed drawing sequence from Mona Brookes "Drawing with Children." I loved using only three colors to paint, which really encouraged color mixing and exploration. Wonderful!!!

  9. I used your birch trees lesson to create a bullentin board for my art room. I plan on borrowing lots more ideas for next year. You have a wonderful blog! You can see the bullentin board I created from the birch tree lesson on my latest post on my blog.

  10. I love your blog. I teach art to homeschoolers for grades 1-5 at one time, and many of your lessons work well for combining these ages. I recently did the chalk pastel lizard. We did it on both black paper and white and they each had a different effect when colored over with the chalk. I had the black paper students use white oil pastel to begin with, but they had trouble seeing the lines to trace over with black oil pastel, but starting with black oil pastel on black paper will not show up too well. Wondering how to work this out. I would also love any recommendations for general art paper. I am currently using art again for the black and a thick Blick brand for the white, but the white has too much tooth to it for some projects (not this one). Thanks for all your projects.

  11. I just posted on accident as anonymous. I posted about the chalk pastel lizard. Sorry.

  12. I have several favorite projects that I used this year. Giraffes' Can't Dance generated a lot of attention hanging up in the hallway! I had a hard time getting them to draw the giraffes big enough, but the final results were super cute. I am a fan of Kandinsky and the kinders spent several classes making Kandinsky Circles. It helped with their tracing and cutting skills and made a nice display. Fourth grade painted Stained Glass Fruit Bowls. This was their first painting using a still life set-up. The final colors were bold and beautiful. Thanks for providing a wonderful and inspiring site! Kimberly

    note: my hubby was messing around with his ID and accidently changed my photo to his. So, right now I am following under "Dad" - his photo, my info. I hope he will fix this soon!

  13. Well you are my art God-ess! I am a primary teacher and a loser at art. I can admit it. Lord knows I've tried and tried but when the other teachers look at my art samples and say, 'What's that, you're not going to try that with the kids are you?' Bummer. I know that art is not my bag, but ......then came your blog and my confidence is building. I have my whole year mapped out next year for my class thanks to you, and I'm so excited! I feel confident enough to try again! I will conquer how to paint with watercolours and make it look good!

  14. Terrific Toucans!

    I've done a variation of this that I learned in a Mona Brookes drawing class years ago. I like your idea of enlarging the heads and adding a second bird to the composition. I have shown my students how to draw a tree trunk with a vine winding on it for the background and they like that too.

    I am an elementary school art teacher and have found that this lesson is adaptable for grades 1-5. The results have been so pleasing and colorful that we had the artwork made into mugs for a fundraiser last year.

    Thanks for your inspiration!

  15. I am a Kindergarten teacher and I had so much fun using your collage and painted snowmen lesson this year. I'm eager to do more next year!

    VERY inspiring blog!

  16. I've been eyeing your blog for quite some time! I start homeschooling my oldest in kindergarten this year! I can't wait for art class. I'm starting with the pig drawing! He is going to love it.

  17. I missed the deadline but just wanted to let you know I enjoy reading your blog and learning new ideas. I have taught art at a Youth Center and I do private classes, traveling classes, etc. I love to look around for new ideas :) One thing I do when I paint with the kids is I do not allow water on the table, it has always turned into a disaster- instead we share paintbrushes- 1 for each color, no washing allowed- it has saved us from a lot of brown paintings! Love the muffin tin idea, now I just need more space!


Well, what do you think? I love hearing how you adapted the art projects. Did it work? Any pitfalls? Or, if you'd like, just share your thoughts.