Saturday, November 3, 2007

School Art on Artsonia!

Foothill and Mountain View Schools now have a gallery on Artsonia! A bit laborious but hopefully a fun way for parents and Friends to access their children's art and raise money for the school's art program. It's simple; go to, (It's bookmarked under favaorite websites) type in the school's zip code and select your school. You will be directed to your school's gallery where you can find your child's grade level and see their work. Last names are not used and each child has a security code that can only be accessed by parents. If you wish, you can leave comments for your artist and order t-shirts, mouse pads, etc. featuring your child's great works of art. Cool! The school receives 15% of any sale.

On another note...the 2007 Art shows are coming! Foothill's art show is on Thursday, April 12th and Mountain Views on Thursday, April 26th.

For Foothill student's...congratulations to the following kids whose artwork has been chosen for representation at the Goleta Union School District Art Show in May: Andie D, Natalia G, Mae R, Mason C. Dayna K, Logan R, Kevin C, Evelyn G, Emma T, Melisa P, Kelsey S, Carolyn C, Jada H, Alex H, Joseph O, Andrew F, Kennedy A, Hannah L, Vivian R, Theodore V, Jack P, Daniel W and Taylor A.
Two more kid's art will be selected at the end of the month to bring our tally to 25 pieces for the district show....stay posted to see who it will be!
Awesome work kids.
Mrs. P

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Well, what do you think? I love hearing how you adapted the art projects. Did it work? Any pitfalls? Or, if you'd like, just share your thoughts.