Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kinders paint Kandinsky

Judging by the intensity of the kinder's faces, I gathered that they enjoyed this project a great deal. The goal is to teach the children color-wheel basics. Begin with three colors of paint (red, yellow and blue) and see what happens. It's really not about getting the paint blended perfectly, it's really just about blending to see what happens.
Start with a 12" x 18" white drawing paper ( I use Tru-Ray) and a muffin-type paint palette filled with yellow, red and blue paint.
I thought a great deal about how to teach this blending lessons and I tried a few different strategies. The best way to start, it seems, is to have the children fold their paper in half lengthwise and make a crease. Unfold then fold again in the other direction, then again. The goal is to create 8 squares.
Now, this part is optional, but if you want, have the children dip their paintbrush in the yellow paint and paint along the crease lines. This defines the eight squares a bit better.

Next, the painting begins. Have the children dip their paint brush in the yellow and in one square, paint a small dot. In another square, paint a ring or a large circle. In another square, paint a circle so big it touches the edges of the square.
Then proceed with red paint. Clean brushes first. Paint a dot in one square (it could be a square with the yellow circle). Paint a large circle then paint an even larger circle in another square. Encourage the kids to use the same squares as in the previous step. This way, the paints will touch and therefore blend.
You can see where this is going. Next comes blue and you do the same thing all over again.

Inevitably, a few kids will begin mixing colors, or use a color different from the rest of the biggie. Let them explore the paint in whatever order they like. I know some classroom teachers do not like this as it demonstrates all too clearly that the students can't listen and follow directions, but for me...well, I just don't think it matters. They're in an art zone and will think differently.
The timing of this lesson is tough to predict. I teach 5 kinder classes. Two classes finished in one 35-minute session and the other three did not. My recommendation is not to rush it. Use two class periods. The first class for the primary colors then the second class for secondary colors (created by mixing, not poured from a bottle).

Kinder Results...


  1. Wow, Paddy! This is really great, so bright for a super display! This would be an appropriate follow on to cutting and sticking those Kandinsky circles - I loved that project too :) Happy New Year for Friday x

  2. So fantastic and one of my all-time favorite artists!! Great job kids and creative art teacher too : )

    Wishing you a colorful and creative 2010!!

  3. Oh, I've done this one too, but I usually do older kids and mix a bunch of color combos--I've got it posted, I think. The kids always love it! See it works well with a the little ones too!

  4. The paintings turned out beautifully! I did basically the same project with my Kindergarten students using crayons and markers, more as a shape lesson than color mixing. I have a new classroom to go back to school with with much more space AND a sink! I'm looking forward to being able to do more painting projects! Here is how my students' projects turned out:

  5. I did something similar with 1st graders, only I used 6 by 18 inch strips of tag board and wanted them to use only 2 primary colors for each square to emphasize the secondary colors (and what more they could make with just two primary colors). The first time I did it kids mixed all three colors in a single square (too tempting, of course!) The next time, I gave them about 10 minutes for each section and then had them move to another table which only had the next two primary colors they needed. The art came out great, though of course, not as much contrast as there is on these. However, I think they really got to appreciate the value of those primary colors! (BTW, I always use magenta, turquoise and yellow for clearer greens and purples.) YUM!

  6. I used Kandisnsky's Circles with my after school art classes (K-7). All students no matter what age were given a heavy sheet of 10 x 10white cardstock, cake temperas, and various size brushes. They each painted one square using at least five circles of varying thicknesses and colors, as desired. Amazingly, you can't tell the 5 yr old's circles from the middle schoolers! All of the dried circles were then arranged and "installed" as a mural on the art room wall. It's fabulous!

  7. I just used this lesson with my kindergarten art students and it works out wonderfully! Definitely a success... their teachers loved it as well!! Thanks for the lesson :)

  8. Neat...I have some posted also. It is fun to see everyones version of Kandinsky.


Well, what do you think? I love hearing how you adapted the art projects. Did it work? Any pitfalls? Or, if you'd like, just share your thoughts.