Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DEEP SPACE SPARKLE presents...Architecture Made Easy

Drawing buildings are easy with my secret weapon...TEMPLATES! By using your own cardboard templates, architectural-based lessons are a breeze. They not only save time, but frustration as well. I've demonstrated three of my most popular architecture lessons: Country Barns, Castles and Victorian Homes.

Architecture Made Easy is a 23-page booklet that is best suited for the upper elementary school student. It is destined to be your best tool in your art lesson repertoire.
  • In Country Barns, students use the templates and a ruler to make a grid, then connect the points to draw a very cool, 3-D barn. Watercolors and colored pencils finish up this impressive lesson.
  • Drawing Castles have never been easier! Using the templates to draw towers and turrets leaves precious art time for the really fun stuff like making the drawbridges, kingdom banners and battlements.
  • Positioning rectangle templates together makes creating your own Victorian Dream Home a snap. Trace around the templates to create a multi-level home that is fun and unique!
All lessons come with a supply list, complete photo tutorial, how-to-draw instruction handouts (my personal favorite!) and samples of real student work.
The PDF is designed to be printed out or you can view from your computer screen.

Click on the "Add to Cart" button below to purchase.
Only $5


  1. You are the best ever. I am sooooooo buying this!

  2. Wow! This looks great! I just have a question...are the lessons for drawing or actually make a model of the buildings?
    Thanks, Alex

  3. Hi Alex,
    For drawing. I provide dimensions for the templates, which can be made from cardboard. Then, you trace around the templates depending on which project you are doing. Makes the process so much easier than free drawing and less technical than measuring!
    I love this technique and swear by it. It's especially useful if you are teaching many kids at once.
    Thanks for the question!

  4. I ordered 2 of your lessons (architecture & watercolor)but was unable to order them. Would you resend them? Thanks!

  5. Ooops...I was unable to open order went through fine!

  6. Dody,
    Sometimes it's tricky! Once you leave the download page, you can't go back. Can you send me an email and I'll forward you a direct link to the 2 lessons.

  7. Young artists can really benefit from templates. They helped me!!

  8. I am finishing up the barns lesson with my 6th graders. They really enjoyed this one and their work is coming out great. I am going to do the castles with my 5th graders this week. Thanks so much for your super lesson plans.

  9. This looks GREAT, but it will not download. I have a nice computer, and think there must be a glitch. I get about halfway and it just quits. Any ideas, please?

  10. Occasionally, Our server is interrupted. Once you pay for a lesson, you can always go back to your original link and re download as many times as you need. Check my FAQ page for more trouble shooting. If all else fails, we'll send a direct link. No problem!


Well, what do you think? I love hearing how you adapted the art projects. Did it work? Any pitfalls? Or, if you'd like, just share your thoughts.